Meet Mitchell Epstein


Artist Statement: Living a More Abundant and Joyful Life

One never knows what is going to happen next in life. At age 62 I randomly walked into an art class. The next day I took two classes and my life has been forever changed. Besides finding a new passion, I no longer believe that every word and action I take has to be exact as I did in my business career. I am now free to explore color, shapes, and movement. The excitement and wonder that I feel is special, different than anything I have experienced before. 

Nothing is what it was. If I have become an Artist, then anything is possible. In this new reality, things that previously would have been labeled mistakes have now become features: interesting and often beautiful. I love this world which presents me the opportunity to explore and learn. Everything is new. I am full of amazement and curiosity. What if I swipe this way or mix these four or five colors together?

How is this body that I believed didn’t have an artistic bone in it able to create art that hangs in so many different homes, buildings, even a gallery? So many unbelievable things have already happened. What’s next? I just have to let go and watch the paint move as it seems to almost always know where it belongs. My role is to listen to the music and feel the beat as I explore the endless possibilities.

In my book, Mr. Lucky: My Unexpected Journey to Success, I share a story about turning an idea that a co-worker said was, “the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard” into the foundation of my business that allowed me to retire at age 47.  My belief is that listening to others and having an open mind allowed me to see this great opportunity. Ironically, the idea came from one of the most difficult people I encountered during my career. 

My art is about perspective. People tend to see interesting things and imagine different places when viewing the work, even having opinions about which direction the piece should be displayed. I love that! I would rather know how you see a piece and how it makes you feel than tell you what I think. 

I hope my paintings inspire people to listen and learn from each other, and really get to know and respect one another. Then our alternative perspectives can allow us all to live a more abundant and joyful life.

Twenty-five percent of proceeds go to support creative activities for children and adults.


Learn from Mitchell Epstein

JAN 23: Mitchell Epstein, Fluid Art Techniques
from $75.00