Exhibition Benefactor Monthly
Sponsor all 4 galleries during one full exhibition cycle. You will be the named Sponsor of an Exhibition, recognized in that Exhibition’s Gallery Guide. Your support also includes an opportunity for private artist or curator experience.
Your generosity will be recognized in gallery guides, media releases, website and acknowledgement in our Season Catalogs. You will receive an invitation to VIP Receptions & Special Events.
Your gift is deeply appreciated by all who benefit - from artists, to students, to future generations.
Sponsor all 4 galleries during one full exhibition cycle. You will be the named Sponsor of an Exhibition, recognized in that Exhibition’s Gallery Guide. Your support also includes an opportunity for private artist or curator experience.
Your generosity will be recognized in gallery guides, media releases, website and acknowledgement in our Season Catalogs. You will receive an invitation to VIP Receptions & Special Events.
Your gift is deeply appreciated by all who benefit - from artists, to students, to future generations.
Sponsor all 4 galleries during one full exhibition cycle. You will be the named Sponsor of an Exhibition, recognized in that Exhibition’s Gallery Guide. Your support also includes an opportunity for private artist or curator experience.
Your generosity will be recognized in gallery guides, media releases, website and acknowledgement in our Season Catalogs. You will receive an invitation to VIP Receptions & Special Events.
Your gift is deeply appreciated by all who benefit - from artists, to students, to future generations.